Inspire, Motivate, Achieve
At the Jack Petchey Foundation we are all about investing in young people with opportunities, recognition and amplifying their voices. Our three key words are “Inspire, Motive, Achieve”. The image above shows exactly why that is.
But what does “achievement” mean to you?
It can mean many different things to different people. There is no “right” or “wrong” definition of achievement. The Jack Petchey Achievement Awards were set up with that idea in mind. These awards are not solely for academic achievement. Instead, they also recognise personal triumphs for those who have faced challenges, pushed themselves outside of their comfort zone, or demonstrated outstanding efforts in being a team player. It isn’t about being the best, but trying your best.
If you think you can, you can!
Use social media to tell us what achievement means to you by tagging us in with your own doodles using the hashtag #AchievementAward.