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Hello, my name is Abrar Rahman. I am a student at Bow School and I do GCSE Computer Science.
The National Museum of Computing
A few months ago our computer science class went on a trip to the National Museum of Computing. As soon as we arrived at the museum, we were welcomed by a group of specialists in computer science and they started explaining what activities we were going to do throughout the whole day.
Bow School Computer Science class at the National Museum of Computing
Sending Messages to AI
Our class were split into two groups and each group had a specialist to guide us through the different activities. The first activity we did was that we were sending text messages to an AI and other members of the class, but we were not told whether we were talking to someone in the class or the AI; it was quite fun as we had to figure out who we were talking to base on the responses we got. The specialist told us that the programme was made by an A Level student which I found very interesting.
Two students participating in an activity
Students observing a demonstration
We also did another activity where we explored how encryption was used in wars to communicate vital information and saw what computers looked like when they were first developed. Finally, we had lunch and travelled back to school.
A student next to a machine
A student on an old computer
What I Learnt
I really enjoyed this computer science trip as I learnt many things that I never knew before, such as the uses of encryption during war and how computers were used to decrypt them. Also, how computers have shrunk so much over the years but are able to do so much more.
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