Jack Petchey’s Community Awards

We exist to inspire young people to achieve, and are big believers in acknowledging and praising efforts and acts of kindness. In this difficult time, this is no exception.

The Jack Petchey Community Awards is a programme designed to recognise how young people across London and Essex are helping their communities during the lockdown, and to give them a well-deserved ‘thank you’.
Members of the public are invited to nominate a young person or group of young people you know helping others in the lockdown to receive a Community Award.
You can nominate an individual or group for all different kinds of wonderful reasons, as long as they comply with the government guidelines. Scroll down this page to see some ideas!
We will be reviewing the applications on a weekly basis, and winners will receive £50 to spend on whatever they like, a certificate and a letter from Sir Jack Petchey CBE.
Group Community Awards are also up for grabs! Winning groups will receive £200 to spend on their group, or to donate to a youth charity of their choice.
Nominations are now closed for this programme.

What can I nominate someone for?
We want you to nominate someone that has impressed you, and made a difference to your life or the people you know through an act of kindness. Some of our ideas for this include:
-Befriending lonely or isolated people on the phone, including the elderly
-Signing up to the NHS volunteer scheme
-A key worker/have a parent that is a key worker and they are supporting them
-Delivering groceries to isolated/shielding neighbours
-Providing emotional support to someone suffering with anxiety in this difficult time
– Volunteering for a community initiative or charity
There are lots more tasks young people are doing, use your imagination!
Jack Petchey’s Community Awards Criteria:
See below the criteria by which we decide the winners of the programme.
The nomination for an individual/group of young people may be successful if:
- They are performing a selfless act to help the community
- They are doing something that benefits the community/an individual in the context of the current COVID-19 crisis
- They’re actions have assisted in filling a gap in other services that will make a difference to the community/an individual in the context of the current COVID-19 crisis
- All actions referenced in the nomination above are in accordance with the current government guidelines regarding social distancing
Got a question?
If you’re unsure about anything to do with Jack Petchey’s Community Awards, please email jpfcompetitions@jackpetchey.org.uk or call 020 8477 1483.