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Students work together to climb obstacles!

Students work together to climb obstacles!

A group of students from Garratt Park school took a trip to Clip N Climb in Chelsea in preparation for their Duke of Edinburgh Award expedition. With help from an Educational Visit Grant from the Jack Petchey Foundation, the school was able to organise the visit and help develop the students’ teambuilding skills.

The school chose to visit Clip N Climb as it encouraged the students to overcome both mental and physical challenges. They had to think how to best tackle the obstacles as well as use their strength to complete the course. Navigating their way through the obstacles proved to be a good team bonding exercise between the students.

The students successfully motivated each other throughout the course, spurring each other on as they completed the obstacles. Some of them even climbed walls alongside their fellow students to help demonstrate to those less confident how to climb. There were varying levels of ability and some had climbed higher than others but by the end of the session, all of the students had successfully climbed a wall.

By the end of the session, all of the students were ecstatic about what they had achieved. The group all sat down together to talk about how their teamwork, perseverance and support for one another had helped them to complete the obstacles. They were able to make sure each and every student succeeded.

The group then discussed what skills they could take from the session and apply to their Duke of Edinburgh Award expedition. This will help them to work as a team and encourage one another throughout the challenge.

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